Nabil Farag Law Firm
We believe in and promote the universally accepted principles of justice, freedom, human rights and the development of the legal profession.
30+Years of Experience
5kSatisfied Clients
10+Network law firms
200+Awards & Certificates

We will do, what we are expert in
Our law firm is dealing with all aspects of business, maritime, and financial affairs.
We can help you today.

Extra services for your business are here
Protect the dignity of those receiving care and to enhance the quality of
life for both seniors and their families.

Business Consultancy
Nabil farag Law Firm is chooses for their clients’ specialized firms and organization in the field of business consultancy with the aim of providing a comprehensive package of high quality business support services to both local and foreign corporations operating in Egypt.
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Credit work
Nabil farag Law Firm chooses for their clients specialized firms and organization in the field of trust service required by any natural or legal person. These firms are establishing and administering investment vehicles required for business structures, commercial and financial transactions on an international basis,
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Accounting & Auditing
Nabil farag Law Firm, which is growing steadily over the years, is chooses for their clients specialists in the field of accounting in Egypt who deal mainly with the accounts of offshore corporations to meet the needs of their clients whereas we monitor and supervise them totally
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